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ABSTUDY ads use Aboriginal artwork

To better reach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audiences, the government started using Aboriginal artwork on their advertisements.


Researcher highlights complex issues in remote servicing

In a briefing to public servants, Dr Young discussed difficulties faced by remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. She highlighted DSS servicing gaps that she believed worsened the situation.


DSS promotes payments for people with disability

In a special edition of Aboriginal Quarterly, the government promoted help for Aboriginal people with disability and featured Aboriginal voices in articles for the International Year of Disabled Persons.


Aboriginality of people getting payments not recorded

After DSS stopped recording the number of Aboriginal people receiving payments, the shadow minister criticised the department and asked about people missing out.


Video shows importance of Aboriginal Liaison Officers in communities

In 1982, DSS made a video about Aboriginal Liaison Officer Andrew Thomas to show his work helping people in regional communities access government services.


Aboriginal Senator explains DSS payments

DSS began making their information more accessible for Aboriginal people in the 1980s. An early example is this video featuring Neville Bonner, the first Aboriginal person in federal Parliament.


Torres Strait Islander’s activism leads to change

In her autobiographies, Ellie Gaffney discussed her work advocating for direct payments for Torres Strait Islander people and for a DSS office to be established on Thursday Island.


DSS servicing for Aboriginal people expands in Tasmania

It took time and activism to establish government services for Aboriginal people in Tasmania. These DSS newsletters introduce the first Tasmanian Aboriginal Liaison Officer in 1984 and show how services expanded into the 1990s.