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Artefacts about Autobiographies & Oral Histories

At the 2015 Mabo Oration, Dr Dawn Casey discussed the discrimination her family faced when seeking a government payment in the 1970s and her own experiences of discrimination throughout her career in the Australian Public Service.
Social services impacted people in different ways. This excerpt from Jimmie Barker’s autobiography details his experience of having to stop work and beginning to get the pension.
In a special edition of Aboriginal Quarterly, the government promoted help for Aboriginal people with disability and featured Aboriginal voices in articles for the International Year of Disabled Persons.
In her autobiographies, Ellie Gaffney discussed her work advocating for direct payments for Torres Strait Islander people and for a DSS office to be established on Thursday Island.
Even when government help was available, it was often not enough to help disadvantaged Aboriginal families out of poverty. One man’s oral history shows years of upheaval trying to find security for his family.