Artefacts about DSS Videos
In 1982, DSS made a video about Aboriginal Liaison Officer Andrew Thomas to show his work helping people in regional communities access government services.
DSS began making their information more accessible for Aboriginal people in the 1980s. An early example is this video featuring Neville Bonner, the first Aboriginal person in federal Parliament.
DSS made a video to show the work of Aboriginal Liaison Officers in Darwin and to remind customers of what they needed to let the department know about.
To train Aboriginal Liaison Officers, DSS created a video with stories from officers around the country.
Cultural awareness and sensitivity became a priority for DSS. The department created a training video featuring an Aboriginal celebrity to encourage all staff to improve services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customers.
To encourage uptake of the Support Network for Aboriginal Parents (SNAP) Program, DSS made a video to explain how it worked.
DSS made a video to inform Torres Strait Islander people about the payments they could get and how to apply. It was recorded in 4 languages.
To encourage more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents to use the Jobs, Education and Training Program, DSS made a video featuring stories from customers and presented by prominent Aboriginal women.