Artefacts about Aboriginal Liaison Officers
In 1982, DSS made a video about Aboriginal Liaison Officer Andrew Thomas to show his work helping people in regional communities access government services.
DSS began making their information more accessible for Aboriginal people in the 1980s. An early example is this video featuring Neville Bonner, the first Aboriginal person in federal Parliament.
It took time and activism to establish government services for Aboriginal people in Tasmania. These DSS newsletters introduce the first Tasmanian Aboriginal Liaison Officer in 1984 and show how services expanded into the 1990s.
An influential report on government programs recommended changes to improve employment and education outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
DSS made a video to show the work of Aboriginal Liaison Officers in Darwin and to remind customers of what they needed to let the department know about.
DSS Director Eleanor Bourke presented a concise timeline of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's access to government payments at a youth conference.
DSS commissioned a report from the Remote Area Task Force in 1986. They recommended changes to support a more regular income flow to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customers and to recognise cultural practices.
DSS made a poster to put up in offices to show staff the national network of Aboriginal Liaison Officers.