
The 1960s saw landmark moments, including the Social Services Act of 1966 and the 1967 Referendum. These artefacts show activists fighting for fair wages and direct payments amidst a continued government push for assimilation.


State government monitors Aboriginal spending

Believing Aboriginal people couldn’t manage their own money, the New South Wales Government monitored and reported on how Aboriginal people spent federal government payments once they started receiving them.

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Thumbnail image of an excerpt from a document, discussing pensions.
The important thing is that these pensioners can live with the relatives on the Station and no longer have to leave the Station … as in the past.
Dawn magazine, August 1960
The important thing is that these pensioners can live with the relatives on the Station and no longer have to leave the Station … as in the past.
Dawn magazine, August 1960


Stockman’s account shows how payments aided leprosy treatment

Jack Gibbs spent years in leprosy facilities. His story reveals how receiving Invalid Pension meant he could spend time recovering instead of working.

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Cover of 'Son of Jimmy' by Jack Gibbs. Gibbs is pictured wearing a hat and flannelette shirt. The publishing details are described as 'Historical Society of the Northern Territory, Darwin, 1995'
He said, ‘You’d better come back to East Arm [Leprosarium] Jack and get on the pension.’ I hadn’t been getting the pension … After the operation there I could get about a bit better.
Jack Gibbs, 1995, p 113
He said, ‘You’d better come back to East Arm [Leprosarium] Jack and get on the pension.’ I hadn’t been getting the pension … After the operation there I could get about a bit better.
Jack Gibbs, 1995, p 113


Pensioners raise concerns with Cherbourg settlement

When Aboriginal pensioners raised concerns about their treatment at Cherbourg settlement and asked for direct payments, the government denied their request and refused to provide further support.

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Thumbnail image of a handwritten letter from N T Morton to the Prime Minister R S Menzies.
I do think that if we were granted our full pension we could live a lot better and buy our own meat and other things we need. The government granted us the pension so we would like the full benefit of it ...
Neville T Morton, 1960
I do think that if we were granted our full pension we could live a lot better and buy our own meat and other things we need. The government granted us the pension so we would like the full benefit of it ...
Neville T Morton, 1960


Conference confirms exclusion of Torres Strait Islander seasonal workers

During a government conference, ministers discussed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's eligibility for government payments and debated the exclusion of Torres Strait Islander seasonal workers from Unemployment Benefit.

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Black and white photograph of a large group of older men in suits seated around a table in a conference room. They are all looking at the camera. In the image are (from the far head of the table, clockwise) federal Ministers Hugh Roberton, Paul Hasluck; H Winston Noble from Queensland, Charles Collier Perkins and SG Middleton from WA; GC Smith from Tasmania; and Glen Pearson from South Australia, among others. NAA: A1200, L37460.
We were very pleased when pensions and the like were given to native people recently ... But there is an anomaly that I can bring up with respect to people who do not come under the Aboriginals Protection Act. They are Torres Strait Islanders.
HW Noble, Minister for Health and Home Affairs, conference proceedings, p 100
We were very pleased when pensions and the like were given to native people recently ... But there is an anomaly that I can bring up with respect to people who do not come under the Aboriginals Protection Act. They are Torres Strait Islanders.
HW Noble, Minister for Health and Home Affairs, conference proceedings, p 100


People face challenges proving age without a certificate 

For a long time, Aboriginal people weren’t given birth certificates. Walaru’s experience is an example of how difficult it was to prove age and show eligibility for Old-age Pension.

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Photo of Norman Bilson, also known as Walaru. Bilson has white hair, a short beard and wrinkles. He has a serious expression. He is dressed in a button-up shirt and zip-up jacket. The photo is mounted on card and there is a handwritten caption beneath it. The caption reads: ‘Norman Bilson (Walaru) Aborigine Station Hand, suffers from cataracts, but is still in request for his skilled work. W.A. 1961. Age 66 in 1960.’
My age is seventy. I believe I am seventy because I was a man when the First War started.
Norman Bilson or Walaru in Smoke Signals, 1960, pp 27–29
My age is seventy. I believe I am seventy because I was a man when the First War started.
Norman Bilson or Walaru in Smoke Signals, 1960, pp 27–29


Debate shows tensions between state and federal government

When a fiery debate broke out in the House of Representatives over the government’s handling of rolling out payments to Aboriginal people, it revealed emerging issues in South Australia.

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House of Representatives, Native Welfare Conference Speech, cover page
I have complained vigorously in Parliament about the fact that the Playford Government in South Australia takes all the social service benefits to which the aborigines are entitled and gives them only a small handout ... Can any one justify that?
Clyde Cameron MP, 1961, p 1074
I have complained vigorously in Parliament about the fact that the Playford Government in South Australia takes all the social service benefits to which the aborigines are entitled and gives them only a small handout ... Can any one justify that?
Clyde Cameron MP, 1961, p 1074


State government controls payments of Palm Island residents

After observing the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forced to live at Palm Island Reserve, one resident asked the federal government for help, including asking for a review into how reserve managers were using people’s government payments.

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Thumbnail image of a handwritten letter to The Secretary of the House of Representatives, dated 19 December 1961. The letter is handwritten in blue pen on lined paper.
... mother's [sic] on Palm Island who are recieving [sic] Child endowment money is taken out of each pay … we all think that the money is being used some other way …
Les Foster, 19 December 1961, p 7
... mother's [sic] on Palm Island who are recieving [sic] Child endowment money is taken out of each pay … we all think that the money is being used some other way …
Les Foster, 19 December 1961, p 7


Leaflet shows different laws for Aboriginal people across states

A leaflet calling for Aboriginal affairs to become a federal government responsibility showed how state-based laws that governed Aboriginal people differed and led to inequality.

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Thumbnail image of an excerpt of a table. There are 6 questions in the left hand column, and answers relevant to Queensland and Northern Territory are in the next columns. The text is roughly typed with some ink smudges and the paper is yellowed.
Queensland ... Benefits are not paid direct to Aborigines but to their protectors … It is extremely difficult for Aborig[ines] in some outback areas to get social services, particularly unemployment benefits.
Shirley Andrews, FCAA, 1962, p 4
Queensland ... Benefits are not paid direct to Aborigines but to their protectors … It is extremely difficult for Aborig[ines] in some outback areas to get social services, particularly unemployment benefits.
Shirley Andrews, FCAA, 1962, p 4


Community leader challenges racism in the media

In a magazine piece, an Aboriginal community leader called out an offensive article that had discussed Aboriginal rights and spread misinformation.

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Thumbnail image of an excerpt from the April 1962 edition of the Bulletin, titled "Name One Town" by Ken Brindle.
... is it any wonder that we think it's time aborigines had a say in their own affairs?
Ken Brindle, The Bulletin, 1962, p 28
... is it any wonder that we think it's time aborigines had a say in their own affairs?
Ken Brindle, The Bulletin, 1962, p 28


Request for direct payments in South Australia results in change

Activist EM Willington successfully petitioned the government for direct payments for Aboriginal people who had earned an independent income, paid taxes and managed their money their whole lives.

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E.M. Willington's 1961 letter to the Department of Social Services on benefit payments. The letter is typed on the letterhead of the Aborigines Advancement League Inc. South Australia, and there are handwritten notes on it.
We should like, however, to urge the special case for cash payment of benefits to the people on the two South Australian Government Reserves at Point Pearce and Point McLeay.
EM Willington, SA AAL, 7 February 1962, p 270
We should like, however, to urge the special case for cash payment of benefits to the people on the two South Australian Government Reserves at Point Pearce and Point McLeay.
EM Willington, SA AAL, 7 February 1962, p 270


Exploitation, including indirect payments, discussed at conference

Prominent Aboriginal activists discussed government policies and the issues of indirect government payments, wage theft and land rights at a conference in Queensland, criticising the government for their treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

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Thumbnail image of an excerpt from a newsletter, titled 'Aboriginal conf'ce exposes shocking exploitation in Qld.'
The demand for direct payment of wages and Social Service benefits ‘into our hands’ was also made by one Aboriginal speaker after another at the conference.
The Tribune, 1963
The demand for direct payment of wages and Social Service benefits ‘into our hands’ was also made by one Aboriginal speaker after another at the conference.
The Tribune, 1963


Officials report on payment management on missions and stations

Government officials reported on how managers of missions, stations and settlements were using government payments for Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. They collected minimal information from Aboriginal payment recipients.

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Thumbnail image of an excerpt from a typed document titled 'Payment of Social Service benefits to aborigines in the Northern Territory'. It is on a Commonwealth of Australia letterhead and dated 18 October 1963.
In recent months there has been veiled reference to the alleged misuse of pension moneys and … it was deemed expedient that now was the time for a review of the method of payment and the results being achieved. 
CG Atkinson, Director DSS, 1963, p 146
In recent months there has been veiled reference to the alleged misuse of pension moneys and … it was deemed expedient that now was the time for a review of the method of payment and the results being achieved. 
CG Atkinson, Director DSS, 1963, p 146


Advocates publish Yinjilli leaflet to help people understand entitlements 

With many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people missing out on payments, the Federal Council of Aboriginal Advancement wrote a leaflet to provide guidance about accessing payments.

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Cover of A Yinjilli Leaflet: Social Services for Aborigines by Shirley Andrews and Rodney Hall. Publishing information says the leaflet is published by the Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement in 1963.
Many Aborigines have had trouble in getting the benefits due to them ... If you wish to apply for benefits, you are advised to write direct to the nearest office of the Department of Social Services. If your application is made direct ... you should not suffer any discrimination.
Andrews and Hall for the FCAA, 1963, p 2
Many Aborigines have had trouble in getting the benefits due to them ... If you wish to apply for benefits, you are advised to write direct to the nearest office of the Department of Social Services. If your application is made direct ... you should not suffer any discrimination.
Andrews and Hall for the FCAA, 1963, p 2


Opposition calls for end to indirect payments for Aboriginal people

In letters sent in the early 1960s, the opposition questioned the government about the practice of missions, stations and reserves using Aboriginal people’s payments on their behalf. In their response, the government defended the practice.

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C.R. Lambert's 1963 letter to the Administrator of the Northern Territory on Social Service benefits. The letter is neatly typed with handwritten annotations in blue pen and a date stamp 23 OCT 1963.
[In] the handling of Invalid Pensions, Age Pensions, Widows’ Pensions and Child Endowment … more risks should be taken in paying the money to aboriginals.
Arthur A Calwell, Leader of the Opposition, 1963, p 193
[In] the handling of Invalid Pensions, Age Pensions, Widows’ Pensions and Child Endowment … more risks should be taken in paying the money to aboriginals.
Arthur A Calwell, Leader of the Opposition, 1963, p 193


Letters show level of government control in Queensland

In a series of letters, senior DSS officials discussed government payments at New Mapoon in Queensland. Their discussion revealed the deeper issue of the way the Queensland Government exerted control over Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s lives.

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Letters from 1963 regarding government payments at New Mapoon, Queensland. The letter is typed with a Commonwealth of Australia letterhead, and a handwritten note at the bottom.
Advice has been received from the Director of Native Affairs ... that the aboriginal natives at Mapoon Mission have been transferred … and are now entitled to payment of their pensions direct.
AW Cox, DSS, 22 July 1963, p 6
Advice has been received from the Director of Native Affairs ... that the aboriginal natives at Mapoon Mission have been transferred … and are now entitled to payment of their pensions direct.
AW Cox, DSS, 22 July 1963, p 6


Aboriginal workers lose payments

When 23 Aboriginal people stopped getting Unemployment Benefit because they had not taken enough steps to find a job, supporters argued that no jobs were open to them.

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Newspaper article with the headline 'Dole taken from jobless Aborigines'
Twenty-three Aborigines … on Cabbage Tree Island, near Lismore, NSW, have been denied unemployment benefits even though there is not one job open to them on the island.
Tribune, 1964, p 5
Twenty-three Aborigines … on Cabbage Tree Island, near Lismore, NSW, have been denied unemployment benefits even though there is not one job open to them on the island.
Tribune, 1964, p 5


Booklet instructs people to assimilate to get government payments

Even though social security was a federal responsibility, the Western Australian Department of Native Welfare issued a booklet for Aboriginal people instructing them to access payments through state-based officers.

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A cover of a booklet called 'Citizens'. Redacted photos of the faces of an Aboriginal family, an adult man and woman and 3 children, are overlaid on a picture of a street in a city.
We get medical benefits – child endowment and social services – just like every other Australian. BUT – we don’t expect the government to do everything for us.
Western Australian Department of Native Welfare, 1964, p 15
We get medical benefits – child endowment and social services – just like every other Australian. BUT – we don’t expect the government to do everything for us.
Western Australian Department of Native Welfare, 1964, p 15


Aboriginal welfare officer advocates for community

As well as working with communities on government-run reserves in the Northern Territory, Vai Stanton Mimbinggal worked with the government to improve conditions for Aboriginal people nationally.

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A photograph of Vai Stanton standing outside in the sun, wearing a white dress with a flower in her hair. She is holding a small purse with a jacket over her arm.
They were the things I brought up to Social Security. Now, we got some people qualifying for pensions or for benefits … They were eligible, but nobody did anything about it or whatever, you know.
Vai Stanton Mimbinggal, 1991
They were the things I brought up to Social Security. Now, we got some people qualifying for pensions or for benefits … They were eligible, but nobody did anything about it or whatever, you know.
Vai Stanton Mimbinggal, 1991


Activists campaign for equal access to Tuberculosis Allowance

After discovering that the departments of Health and Social Services were discriminatory in how they delivered Tuberculosis Allowance, activists successfully campaigned to change government instructions.

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Thumbnail image of an article titled 'Discrimination in an Unexpected Quarter' by Barry E Christophers.
The non-payment of the tuberculosis allowance to many Aborigines in Queensland (41, in fact) has resulted in such impecuniosity that it has made it impossible for their families to visit them during their hospitalization ...
Dr Barry E Christophers, FCAA, 1964
The non-payment of the tuberculosis allowance to many Aborigines in Queensland (41, in fact) has resulted in such impecuniosity that it has made it impossible for their families to visit them during their hospitalization ...
Dr Barry E Christophers, FCAA, 1964


Officials discuss increasing ‘pocket money’ for people living on missions and stations

Aboriginal people living on stations and missions only received part of their government payment to manage themselves. In 1965, officials met to discuss how much this should be and how to standardise the amount people got.

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Thumbnail image of a document recording a meeting about how the government distributed money on behalf of Aboriginal pension recipients. The record is typed on thin paper which is curling at the edges.
Proposal [was] agreed by Social Services representatives that pocket money should be raised as quickly as possible by regular increments ...
Department of Territories, February 1965, p 97
Proposal [was] agreed by Social Services representatives that pocket money should be raised as quickly as possible by regular increments ...
Department of Territories, February 1965, p 97


Government withholds money from pension payments for Aboriginal leprosy patients

Aboriginal leprosy patients in the Northern Territory received only a fraction of their pension payments in the 1960s, while other patients got their benefits in full. Government officials disagreed about how to spend the withheld payments and the money went unaccounted for.

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A1965 letter to the Department of Territories on leprosy patients at East Arm Leprosarium, Darwin, receiving Invalid Pensions. The letter is typed with a signature in blue pen.
The Department of Health … advised … an amount of £52,003 … had been withheld from the invalid pension payable to aboriginal patients at the East Arm Leprosarium since 1961 …
LB Hamilton, Treasury, 6 January 1965, p 114
The Department of Health … advised … an amount of £52,003 … had been withheld from the invalid pension payable to aboriginal patients at the East Arm Leprosarium since 1961 …
LB Hamilton, Treasury, 6 January 1965, p 114


Aboriginal workers forced to accept below-award wages

In 1965, Aboriginal workers paid at below-award rates could not get government payments. The Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders raised the issue with government, labelling it ‘coercion’ and ‘discrimination’.

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A letter from Stan Davey to Minister for Social Services, dated 28 October 1965.
The failure of the Department of Social Services ... to take action … leaves both the Commonwealth and State Governments wide open to the accusation that they support a form of coercion maintaining a pool of cheap Aboriginal labour in the area.
Stan Davey, FCAATSI, September 1965.
The failure of the Department of Social Services ... to take action … leaves both the Commonwealth and State Governments wide open to the accusation that they support a form of coercion maintaining a pool of cheap Aboriginal labour in the area.
Stan Davey, FCAATSI, September 1965.


Government restricts access to equal wages and payments

During the 1960s, there was increasing pressure for Aboriginal pastoral workers to get equal wages. The government was reluctant to grant Unemployment Benefit payments to Aboriginal workers who were likely to be affected by changes to wages.

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Letters from 1965 requesting departmental information on access to Unemployment Benefit
As to unemployment benefit, this Department does not wish to pre-determine any individual claims ... but the general position is that unemployed Aborigines on cattle stations would be unable to satisfy the conditions ... of the Social Services Act ...
HJ Goodes, DSS, 1965
As to unemployment benefit, this Department does not wish to pre-determine any individual claims ... but the general position is that unemployed Aborigines on cattle stations would be unable to satisfy the conditions ... of the Social Services Act ...
HJ Goodes, DSS, 1965


Aboriginal activists write letter of protest to the UN

The Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights, led by Aboriginal activists, tried to draw international attention to their cause by appealing to the United Nations.

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The front cover of a pamphlet with the title 'An appeal to world opinion'. It is plain design with text only, on dark green grey paper.
Many of us are robbed of part of our social service payments like pensions and child endowment in a disgraceful and illegal manner …
Davis Daniels, NTCAR, 1966
Many of us are robbed of part of our social service payments like pensions and child endowment in a disgraceful and illegal manner …
Davis Daniels, NTCAR, 1966


Social Services Act removes references to Aboriginal people

Amendments to this Act in 1966 removed references to Aboriginal people altogether, meaning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in theory had equal access to government payments. However, discrimination continued.

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Excerpt from the first page of the Social Services Act 1966 showing that it amends the Social Services Act 1947 to 1965.
Section 95 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting ... the words ‘but one or both of whose parents are aboriginal natives of Australia’.
Social Services Act 1966
Section 95 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting ... the words ‘but one or both of whose parents are aboriginal natives of Australia’.
Social Services Act 1966


Government questioned about oversight of payments

Activist and Member of Parliament, Gordon Bryant, questioned the Minister for Social Services about how DSS checked whether Aboriginal people on reserves, missions and stations were getting their payments.

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Thumbnail image of the cover of the House of Representatives Official Hansard, dated 18 May 1967
Are social service benefits being paid to Departments of Native or Aboriginal Affairs in any State rather than direct to Aboriginals?
MP Gordon Bryant, 1967, p 2430
Are social service benefits being paid to Departments of Native or Aboriginal Affairs in any State rather than direct to Aboriginals?
MP Gordon Bryant, 1967, p 2430


State pamphlet tells Aboriginal people about payments

Due to a lack of DSS's presence in Western Australia, the state Department of Native Welfare published a pamphlet about payments Aboriginal people could get, reiterating earlier advice to apply through state-based officers.

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Unemployment and sickness benefits pamphlet cover page
When you are out of work and need help, call at your nearest Native Welfare Department Office and ask the staff for advice about Unemployment Benefits ... He will help you and be pleased to do so.
WA Department of Native Welfare, 1967
When you are out of work and need help, call at your nearest Native Welfare Department Office and ask the staff for advice about Unemployment Benefits ... He will help you and be pleased to do so.
WA Department of Native Welfare, 1967


Government provides information about payments to Aboriginal audiences

An article published by the Aborigines Welfare Board explained Widow Pension and Old-age Pension in simpler language than earlier government ads.

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Dawn article Widow's Pension
This guide to entitlement to widows’ pensions was prepared by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services ... These pensions are paid to widows and other women who satisfy certain conditions.
Dawn magazine, 1967, p 7
This guide to entitlement to widows’ pensions was prepared by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services ... These pensions are paid to widows and other women who satisfy certain conditions.
Dawn magazine, 1967, p 7


Officials discuss Child Endowment for grandparent carers

In a series of letters, officials discussed providing government payments to Aboriginal grandparents raising grandchildren.

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officials' letters thumbnail
It is safe to say that if the position in the two cases mentioned were to arise in the general white community there would be no question but that additional pension and other allowances would be paid. It would be inadvisable to adopt any different attitude now for Aboriginals …
A Sellwood, DSS, 1967, p 58
It is safe to say that if the position in the two cases mentioned were to arise in the general white community there would be no question but that additional pension and other allowances would be paid. It would be inadvisable to adopt any different attitude now for Aboriginals …
A Sellwood, DSS, 1967, p 58


DSS doesn’t recognise Aboriginal marriage practices

In the 1960s, DSS was questioned about their policy of not supporting multiple wives within Aboriginal marriages. They wouldn’t review their policy for years to come.

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DSS on traditional marriage, thumbnail
If we extend pension eligibility to these other wives of Aboriginals it would be difficult to refuse pensions to European women who, innocently or otherwise, enter into bigamous marriages.
Irwin Prowse, DSS, 1969, p 64
If we extend pension eligibility to these other wives of Aboriginals it would be difficult to refuse pensions to European women who, innocently or otherwise, enter into bigamous marriages.
Irwin Prowse, DSS, 1969, p 64


Member of Parliament calls for better servicing for Aboriginal people

Member of Parliament, Frederick Collard, pointed out the issues Aboriginal people in Western Australia faced in accessing government services, calling for a ‘fairer deal’.

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House of Representatives, Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 1968-69, Speech
There has not been very much change recently in the entitlements of Aboriginals under the Social Services Act. I refer to the machinery rather than to the benefits.
Frederick Collard MP, 1968
There has not been very much change recently in the entitlements of Aboriginals under the Social Services Act. I refer to the machinery rather than to the benefits.
Frederick Collard MP, 1968


Government persists with assimilation policy in the wake of the referendum

Prime Minister John Gorton reaffirmed his government’s commitment to assimilation policy in his address at a conference about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs.

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John Gorton Speech first page, thumbnail
Unhappily, the additional population is not yet self-supporting, but remains in large part dependent upon charity, Social Service benefits and similar benefits. The continuance of such a state of affairs is obviously incompatible with the general concept of Aboriginal dignity which we all seek to foster.
Prime Minister John Gorton, 1968, p 3
Unhappily, the additional population is not yet self-supporting, but remains in large part dependent upon charity, Social Service benefits and similar benefits. The continuance of such a state of affairs is obviously incompatible with the general concept of Aboriginal dignity which we all seek to foster.
Prime Minister John Gorton, 1968, p 3
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